The things I use most days.
Good for a left-hander.↩︎
Others are worse. Maybe non-pro next time.↩︎
Others are worse. Maybe non-pro next time.↩︎
With Magic Keyboard and Trackpad when needed at the office.↩︎
Laser printers are life changing.↩︎
For Trakt. Not sure how long I’ll use it.↩︎
Specifically for blocking YouTube cookies.↩︎
Fascinating new extension. Wish it integrated with Downie.↩︎
For mixing in ear monitors on stage.↩︎
HDMI monitor brightness↩︎
For installing yt-dlp to download YouTube videos on your iPhone.↩︎
All round great app for articles and videos. Very helpful for consuming offline, or away from algorithms.↩︎
Great for watching YouTube videos and managing subscriptions outside YouTube.↩︎
Both great apps for RSS. The new Reeder is a fascinating new way to consume RSS and other media.↩︎