What I thought of Daft Punk’s R.A.M (RAM is too down to earth.)

Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories has just come out, and I think its cool to see a new album from them. But I thought that in this album the robots (if you catch my drift) have gone too down to earth on this one (if you catch my drift again…). It seems as though its not futurey or (not being a teenager) dubsteppy enough (more techie or synthy or bassy, you get the point).

I thought it was good that they had some new stuff but, I herd a small (10 min) portion of Get Lucky” (it was the techno part might I add), and I thought it was going to be great! I had the album release in my calendar, and I was all excited. And also the snippet was named Mexican Monkey” also, because we didn’t know the song title back then (then I googled it and…). So I was excited, then, I heard the actual song. This was surprising. I thought it was okay and quite good, but, it wasn’t like a One More Time”, or Around The World”, or Technologic”, or… But it was good.

I thought that it was an okay album. It could have been way better, but they did well and I love Daft Punk. So it was okay. I guess you could say I would give it a 4-6/10. Not 5 because that’s too accurate.

May 2013